
Tips to Wear a Mask and Where to Buy It

As cases of the new coronavirus continue to climb worldwide, many people are trying to stock up on surgical face masks, in hopes of preventing the spread of the disease.

The scramble for masks has caused shortages and price gouging, and the U.S. surgeon general has urged average Americans to stop buying them. Shortages could raise the risk for health-care providers, who need the masks to treat infected patients.
You may want to know this question:If I need to wear a mask, what do I need to know? Here is the answer.

Health experts have emphasized that wearing a surgical mask is only one piece of disease prevention, and only works in conjunction with other methods.

People who need to wear masks should wash their hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer before putting them on and after taking them off.

To be most effective, a mask should completely cover a person’s mouth and nose and have no gaps between the face and the mask. The World Health Organization recommends people refrain from touching the front of the masks while wearing them and wash their hands after any time they touch it.

Masks should be disposed of as soon as they are damp and should be thrown away in closed containers.

How to wear it correctly, listen to what the experts said:
Whichever condition you are in, having masks seems to be necessary. When you go out, wear one mask. Here, eDressit offers effective P2 Dust/Mist Work Mate Disposable Respirato to you. Buy one in advance. This protector P2 dust/mist entrance is given to you, 20 masks .

If you want masks, it is recommended. See the following information:
Protector P2 Dust/Mist Work Mate Disposable Respirato

Inner foam bridge for added comfort and seal
Colour coded for respirator identification
Pack of 20 Masks
Protector P2 disposable cup style respirators are suitable for protection against mechanically and thermally generated particles. The three-layer technology provides cup strength, minimal breathing resistance and an inner foam bridge for added comfort and seal.

So, just contact orders@edressit.com if you have any other questions about it.

Guys, please protect yourself well. Let's go through the epidemic together.

